
Key Flag Symbol a label of origin for Finnish products and services

Products’ country of origin and production probably interest consumers more now than ever before. The economic uncertainty brought by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine have led many of us to consider our consumer behaviour, which is apparent in the increase in popularity of Finnish products and services.  Consumers also demand responsibility and transparency from companies. The Key Flag Symbol, which is a guarantee of Finnish manufacturing and work, is a country-of-origin label recognised by most people in Finland.

The 100-year-old Association is Still Active

Did you know that the Association for Finnish Work was founded already in the year 1912, and that would mean that the association’s 110th birthday is just around the corner? Time sure flies. The association was founded in Tampere originally for the organisation of the Week for Furthering Finnish Industry or Finnish Week. These weeks were organised several times between 1913 and 1975.

Is it worth choosing Finnish products?

‘Buy Finnish’ has been the core message of the Association for Finnish Work for over a century. The idea is that preferring Finnish products and services creates more jobs in Finland. It is based on input-output research calculations about how services or products produced in Finland affect national economy and employment. The content of the message has not changed over time, but one might ask, if it is still relevant and accurate.

Dreams and myths of Finnish work

”The Dreamed in Finland (Unelmoitu Suomessa) project taught us what drives young people in the Finnish work life. We learned about their dreams, the possible […]

Kohti Habitarea

Shortsi- ja sandaalikelit hellivät meitä, mutta suomalaiseen tyyliin kuuluu kuitenkin todeta, että kesä alkaa olla ohi. Päivätkin alkoivat lyhentyä jo kauan sitten Juhannuksena! Syksy ei ole onneksi tarkoita ainoastaan viilenevää säätä, pimeneviä iltoja ja loman loppumista. Silloin on mielestäni vuoden reippain olo ja tekee mieli nähdä ja tehdä kaikenlaista uutta. Lisäksi oma koti tuntuu taivaalta kaikenlaisten mökki- ja rantamatkojen jälkeen.