Membership benefits

The members of the association belong to a value community owned and governed by companies and with the task of promoting the success of its members’ business. As a member, you are among the companies which create jobs in Finland thus enhancing both economic and social wellbeing, taking into consideration the accountability of production and operations and supporting the competence, wellbeing and equality of employees. Together, we encourage everyone to choose work for Finland.

When you apply for the right to use one of our marks (Key Flag, Design from Finland or Finnish Social Enterprise), you are also joining as member of the association, and you will have all the benefits of a member. You can also join without applying for the right to use a mark.

Services included in the membership fee

  1. The association’s training and seminars for the entire personnel. Topics include for example super popular accountability training, four-part online trade training and training on international trade. Find all events here
  2. Members’ joint campaigns offering everyone materials free of charge. For example, the association’s accountable work principles offer a way to communicate the accountability of one’s work using #vastuullisuusteko.​
  3. Communication cooperation, for example press releases and common articles under the themes of investments, employment and accountability. We also promote our members through our own channels. ​
  4. Membership logos to be used on digital channels, websites as well as the company’s press releases and other basic information. Logos, graphic instructions and other materials to communicate your membership is found in the materials bank.
  5. The association’s regular surveys on consumers, BtoB buyers and public procurement are available in their entirety in our materials bank. Some of our surveys are also published on our website.
  6. We welcome the opportunity to come and speak in your internal or public events.

Additional benefits with the use of our mark

  • These marks guide the consumers’ and your customers’ choices into a more responsible direction.
  • They communicate the values of your company to your customers and interest groups.
  • The marks also generate a positive impression internationally, and promote sales
  • You can use the marks in your company’s communication, marketing and product packaging
  • Your product and service description will be included in the service, which is a search service of all Key Flag and Design from Finland products and services as well as Finnish Social Enterprises.
  • You can participate in cooperation campaigns for a separate fee