Our office staff will be on vacation from July 8 to July 28, 2024, during which time our office will be closed. We will gradually return to work starting from Monday, July 29, when you can reach the following office staff: Päivi Fogelberg, Nina Pohjoiskoski, Milla Vainio, and Pilvi Reko. Contact details can be found below.
- Address
- Eteläranta 14, 00130 Helsinki
- Telephone
- +358 9 696 2430
- stl(a)suomalainentyo.fi laskutus(a)suomalainentyo.fi
- Our e-invoice address
- 003702015249
- Operator code
- 003721291126
- Operator ID if the sender is a bank
Reetta Mentu
Head of Customer Experience and Researchreetta.mentu(a)suomalainentyo.fi+358 50 561 5030
Hanna Malinen
Head of Communications and MarketingAreas of responsibilityon study leave until 31 January 2025
Päivi Fogelberg
Head of Administrationpaivi.fogelberg(a)suomalainentyo.fi+358 40 060 0293Areas of responsibilityFinancial and contract management, purchases, systems, HR support
Marketing and Communications
Niina Ollikka
Marketing Managerniina.ollikka(a)suomalainentyo.fi+358 40 674 8773Areas of responsibilityMarketing. The Finnish Social Enterprise mark specialist.
Sanna Huovinen
Communications Managersanna.huovinen(a)suomalainentyo.fi+358 50 535 8900Areas of responsibilityCommunications, public relations, media communications
Tanja Lindholm
Digital Marketing Specialisttanja.lindholm(a)suomalainentyo.fi+358 50 511 2701Areas of responsibilityDigital marketing, social media, influencer marketing
Pilvi Reko
Digital Communications Specialistpilvi.reko(a)suomalainentyo.fi+358 50 346 6576Areas of responsibilityWebsite development and maintenance, digital marketing, social media, digital communication
Collaboration with businesses
Nina Pohjoiskoski
Customer Relationship Manager, The Key Flagnina.pohjoiskoski(a)suomalainentyo.fi+358 50 344 6048Areas of responsibilityThe Key Flag symbol specialist, responsible for the Key Flag symbol committee, customer care.
Minna Varis
Customer Relationship Manager, Design from Finlandminna.varis@suomalainentyo.fi+358 400 122 010Minna on Design from Finland -merkin asiakkuuspäällikkö, jonka tehtävänä on auttaa yrityksiä merkin hakemisessa, sen hyödyntämisen suunnittelussa markkinoinnissa ja viestinnässä sekä muissa merkkiin liittyvissä asioissa.
Areas of responsibilityThe Design from Finland -mark specialist, responsible for The Design from Finland -mark committee, customer care.
Annina Rauhala
Customer Coordinatorannina.rauhala(a)suomalainentyo.fi+358 50 346 6804Areas of responsibilityCustomer care, mark applications
Päivi Ikonen
Administrative Assistantpaivi.ikonen(a)suomalainentyo.fi+358 50 379 7169Areas of responsibilityMember applications, invoicing, customer care
Jokke Eljala
Research Managerjokke.eljala(a)suomalainentyo.fi+358 50 374 7410Areas of responsibilityDevelopment of research and customer experience
Milla Vainio
Development Managermilla.vainio(a)suomalainentyo.fi+358 50 3965 493Areas of responsibilityAssociation’s events, trainings and development
Merja Mantila
Project Managermerja.mantila(a)suomalainentyo.fi+358 50 330 3640Areas of responsibilityCustomer care, business cooperation, campaigns, membership materials